13 Tourist Attractions for Doomsday Preppers

The oddly popular survivalism movement involves people actively planning for a future catastrophe. If you're a budding survivalist, here are some places to visit before the end of mankind as we know it.

There is much to be said for having a measure of self-sufficiency. But knowing how to take care of yourself without electricity is different from the oddly popular survivalism movement where people actively plan for a future catastrophe—they even seem to hope for it. If you're a budding survivalist, here are some places to visit before the end of mankind as we know it.

13. Creation Museum

Petersburg, Kentucky

Depending on what kind of doomsday prepper you are, this will be a big stop. You don't need any of that fancy-schmancy "science" stuff. You just need what the Bible says, as told by a guy who doesn't have a non-honorary degree from any kind of religious studies institution.

Learn about dinosaurs—not from some "paleontologist," but from a paleo-artist and singer/songwriter. (image via scalzi, CC)