10 Romantic Destinations for a Second Honeymoon

Honeymoons typically mark the start of two people beginning a life together, but what about marking the start of a new phase in that life? Maybe a phase where the kids are out of the house or where retirement is around the corner.

Honeymoons typically mark the start of two people beginning a life together, but what about marking the start of a new phase in that life? Maybe you're starting a phase where the kids are out of the house or where retirement is around the corner. Here are some easy-to-reach, low-stress destinations that make great getaways.

10. Montreal, Canada

Montreal is great for all kinds of reasons. For starters, it's got one of the best restaurant scenes on the continent. The Montreal Biodome provides a taste of every major ecosystem in the Americas, and, with 90 festivals a year, you won't be hurting for things to do in town.

Montreal's high walkability rankings also mean that the city's shopping is amazing. (image via breveglieri, CC)